All prices are dedicated to retailers. Prices are without VAT. They can change without notice.
The trademarks and the names of the products on the site are the property of the companies we represent or partners. In part, they are also owned by GM Softair SRL.
Any unauthorized use of these trademarks is expressly forbidden and constitutes a violation of copyright, trademark law or other industrial laws.
For any dispute, the competent forum is that of the REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO.
For further terms and conditions, please refer to the native portal www.gm-softair.com
The purchase on this portal (supreme.sm) implies acceptance of all terms and conditions.
For any order, product order, order status, site navigation, and more, please contact us at E-mail: info@supreme.sm
In any case, by force majeure or by chance, we will not be liable for the delay or failure to deliver and we will be able to resolve the contract in whole or in part or suspend or differentiate it.